Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bringing Real-time VoIP metrics to 2013

Bringing Real-time VoIP metrics to 2013

Bringing Real-time VoIP metrics to 2013 from Dan Jenkins

Bringing Real-time VoIP metrics to 2013

  1. 1. Bringing Real-time VoIP metrics to 2013
  2. 2. @dan_ jenkins
  3. 3. Holiday Extras
  4. 4. Wireless Details dan-astricon SIP Details user: 1000 pass: 1000
  5. 5. I’m not slating anyone or anything!
  6. 6. Problem?
  7. 7. Proprietary
  8. 8. OS/Device specific
  9. 9. Old technology
  10. 10. Expensive
  11. 11. 1990’s
  12. 12. Delays
  13. 13. Zero interactivity
  14. 14. Reliance on other systems
  15. 15. What’s the solution?
  16. 16. 2-3 months ago...
  17. 17. Generic Dashboard Solution
  18. 18. 1 month ago, I realised...
  19. 19. It can’t be done...
  20. 20. Asterisk’s use is diverse
  21. 21. Small business with 1 trunk and 5 queues
  22. 22. Large corporation with 500 extensions, 100 queues and 90 DAHDI channels and a Contact Centre
  23. 23. So, I gave up... no-one would use it!
  24. 24. Step back a little, and you realise...
  25. 25. Give people a small base, people will build off that and let it grow!
  26. 26. So what am I building?
  27. 27. Open source, scalable dashboard base
  28. 28. ARI | AMI | AGI
  29. 29. David Lee
  30. 30. res_statsd + res_chan_stats res_statsd.c res_chan_stats.c
  31. 31. There’s a module for that...
  32. 32. Browser based
  33. 33. Cross Browser support
  34. 34. Web Apps can do almost as much as a native app!
  35. 35. Tied in communication tools
  36. 36. What data?
  37. 37. How is it visualised?
  38. 38. The Solution
  39. 39. Node.js
  40. 40. AMI using asterisk-ami npm install asterisk-ami@0.2.0-beta1
  41. 41. for Websockets npm install
  42. 42. Bootstrap
  43. 43. AngularJS
  44. 44. Highcharts or d3.js
  45. 45. Persistence using levelDB
  46. 46. Listen to live calls Make calls WebRTC
  47. 47. Incredibly cheap to run Node.js
  48. 48. The future of apps is the browser
  49. 49. 2 main points needed for success Community Open Source
  50. 50. DEMO
  51. 51. How?
  52. 52. Fork all the projects!
  53. 53. Not everyone needs a Death Star...
  54. 54. Usually a X-Wing-Fighter will do!
  55. 55. Carry on and create an open source, dashboard solution
  56. 56. Would people want the amazing, awesome solution?
  57. 57. We’re not clones...we’re all unique
  58. 58. GitHub + Community = Awesome
  59. 59. But I haven’t given it a name @dan_ jenkins
  60. 60. Thanks! @dan_ jenkins
  61. 61. Questions?
  62. 62.

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