Saturday, October 24, 2015

Hackference 2014 - Node.js, the awesome parts

Hackference 2014 - Node.js, the awesome parts

Hackference 2014 - Node.js, the awesome parts from Dan Jenkins

 Hackference 2014 - Node.js, the awesome parts

  1. 1. The Awesome Parts Hackference 2014 HACK Dan Jenkins 1
  2. 2. Hackference 2014 HACK 2 About me I’m Dan Jenkins I’m primarily a Node.js developer Been working with Node since 0.4 Founder of Nimble Ape Ltd ! Twitter @dan_jenkins Web
  3. 3. Hackference 2014 HACK 3 Node.js Server Side Javascript
  4. 4. Taken from easily build fast, scalable network applications event-driven Hackference 2014 HACK 4 lightweight and efficient non-blocking I/O perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices
  5. 5. Node.js® is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that Hackference 2014 HACK 5 run across distributed devices.
  6. 6. Hackference 2014 HACK 6 Single Threaded
  7. 7. Hackference 2014 HACK 7 Asynchronous
  8. 8. Hackference 2014 HACK 8 Lightweight
  9. 9. Hackference 2014 HACK 9 Customisable
  10. 10. Hackference 2014 HACK 10 Non-blocking I/O
  11. 11. Hackference 2014 HACK 11 Community Driven
  12. 12. Hackference 2014 HACK 12 How To Get It
  13. 13. Hackference 2014 HACK 13
  14. 14. Hackference 2014 HACK 14 Homebrew
  15. 15. Unofficial Apt Repos Hackference 2014 HACK 15 Nodesource | Chris Lea
  16. 16. Hackference 2014 HACK 16 Awesome-ness
  17. 17. Hackference 2014 HACK 17 Readability
  18. 18. Hackference 2014 HACK 18 Both server side & client side
  19. 19. Hackference 2014 HACK 19 Some people run same code client side & server side routes & templates
  20. 20. Hackference 2014 HACK 20 Personally, it’s just less context switching
  21. 21. Hackference 2014 HACK 21 npm
  22. 22. Hackference 2014 HACK 22 95 169 Packages 94 996 Thursday (-173) 94 809 Wednesday (-360) 94 698 Tuesday (-471)
  23. 23. Hackference 2014 HACK 23 Impressive
  24. 24. Hackference 2014 HACK 24 Not really… we build apps & modules in different ways
  25. 25. Hackference 2014 HACK 25 It’s like comparing apples and oranges
  26. 26. Hackference 2014 HACK 26 Modularisation
  27. 27. Hackference 2014 HACK 27 Small, reusable code Small modules, greater power However, with great power, comes great responsibility
  28. 28. Hackference 2014 HACK 28 Testability
  29. 29. Moar testing mechanisms Hackference 2014 HACK 29 Mocha Should Chai Sinon Nock | Hock Supertest Istanbul JSHint | JSCS
  30. 30. Hackference 2014 HACK 30 Rapid
  31. 31. Hackference 2014 HACK 31
  32. 32. Hackference 2014 HACK 32
  33. 33. Hackference 2014 HACK 33 Learning!
  34. 34. Hackference 2014 HACK 34 Node School
  35. 35. Hackference 2014 HACK 35 Node School Events Worldwide!
  36. 36. Hackference 2014 HACK 36 Workshop Modules npm install -g learnyounode
  37. 37. Hackference 2014 HACK 37 howtonode
  38. 38. Hackference 2014 HACK 38 nodebots
  39. 39. Hackference 2014 HACK 39 Community
  40. 40. Hackference 2014 HACK 40 Node Weekly & Javascript Weekly Peter Cooper Press | @peterc
  41. 41. Hackference 2014 HACK 41 @dshaw
  42. 42. Hackference 2014 HACK 42 Mailing List!forum/nodejs
  43. 43. Hackference 2014 HACK 43 Stack Overflow node.js tag
  44. 44. Hackference 2014 HACK 44 IRC #nodejs
  45. 45. Node Security Project Hackference 2014 HACK 45
  46. 46. Hackference 2014 HACK 46 Build ANYTHING
  47. 47. Hackference 2014 HACK 47 CLI Tools Grunt Gulp Yo Custom
  48. 48. Hackference 2014 HACK 48 Webervers express restify hapi loopback
  49. 49. Hackference 2014 HACK 49 Websockets
  50. 50. Hackference 2014 HACK 50 Client Side Code Browserify
  51. 51. Hackference 2014 HACK Node-webkit Atom-shell 51 Native apps!
  52. 52. Hardware & Software Hackference 2014 HACK 52 Anyone can do hardware development now
  53. 53. Hackference 2014 HACK 53 Tessel Arduino (spark core etc) Johnny-five Beagle Bone Raspberry Pi Xbox controllers / Playstation controllers Ar Drones
  54. 54. Hackference 2014 HACK 54 Thanks! Questions? Dan Jenkins @dan_jenkins

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