Monday, October 26, 2015

Office Etiquette

Office Etiquette

Office Etiquette from Nanette Bajador

Office Etiquette

  1. 1. MNB_training
  2. 2. • To define office etiquette and stress the importance of creating a work environment conducive to positive interaction among employees • To identify behaviors considered important for maintaining workplace etiquette
  3. 3. Etiquette is a French word which means “ticket”. On important occasions, a ticket of instructions was issued to the masses detailing what they should do. Thus, the ticket enlists the rules of well-mannered behavior observed in a polite society. In a professional sense, this includes behavior towards clients and colleagues which is in their best interest.
  4. 4. • It helps smooth the wheels of daily interaction in the office. • Good work outcomes and happy co-existence even when there is mutual dislike or disinterest. • Ensures that you don’t become office enemy number 1. • Modifies distracting behaviors and develops admired conduct. • Enables you to be confident in a variety of settings with a variety of people.
  5. 5. Employees are bothered by co-workers who: • Have poor personal hygiene • Don’t clean up after using the office kitchen, sink, wash room, or appliances • Leave trash or personal belongings in other people’s work spaces • Frequently complain • Don’t acknowledge you unless you speak to them directly • Wear clothing that is dirty, too casual, or distracting in some other way
  6. 6. Employees are bothered by co-workers who: • Flirt with co-workers or clients • Drop in on you while working and don’t ask if its okay to interrupt • Habitually arrive late at meetings • Gossip • Borrow things but forget to return them • Have outbursts of anger/yell/curse • Speak too loudly on the telephone
  7. 7. UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF OFFICE ETIQUETTE While the term "office etiquette" may conjure up images of stiffness and formality, it is in actual fact very simple. Just as living in a society requires us to follow a set of conventions and rules, observing appropriate social behavior within the work context ensures team respect and an enjoyable day-to-day working experience. 1
  8. 8. BE PUNCTUAL Being punctual is very important, especially if you have an appointment. It shows that you respect the time of your colleagues and in turn it will compel them to respect your time too. Lead by example and everything else will fall into place. 2
  9. 9. DRESS APPROPRIATELY Remember that the office is not a party place and you will have to dress in a way that commands respect both from your colleagues and clients. The dress code has a strong influence in establishing the trust that your client places in your abilities in giving them their money’s worth. 3
  10. 10. STAY AWAY FROM GOSSIP You would not want someone to gossip about you and neither will the next person. In some cases, if the source of some malicious gossip can be traced back to you, then your job can be in jeopardy. You may overhear the conversations of others. Apply the “so what” rule. Don’t refer to what you’ve heard and don’t add your own advice. 4
  11. 11. ASK BEFORE BORROWING It is imperative that you ask first and then borrow. This attitude of yours will ensure that people also treat your things with the same respect and your things are not missing (read borrowed) when you get back to your seat after a meeting. 5
  12. 12. ALWAYS SAY PLEASE, THANK YOU, YOU’RE WELCOME, and I’M SORRY It’s as old as life itself, but still appropriate. It’s never offensive, often expected, and easy to do. With each request – SAY PLEASE With each completion – SAY THANK YOU With each gratitude received – SAY YOU’RE WELCOME With each error - APOLOGIZE It’s an attitude. Respect those around you and they will return that respect. 6
  13. 13. DON’T CONSISTENTLY INTERRUPT PEOPLE Doing so will suggest that your time or opinion is more important than theirs. If your co-worker is on the phone but you need to ask a question, don't linger. If your co-worker is having a work related conversation don't interrupt - just wait for them to finish or ask them to see you when they are through. 7
  14. 14. REFRAIN FROM BEING LOUD • Whether you're on the phone or talking to a colleague, avoid being loud. • If you have a received a call on your cell phone, it's a good idea to take a walk down to the corridor or find another room. • Use your mobile’s vibrating/silent feature if you need to leave it on. Avoid making personal calls at your workstation. • Be especially quiet in areas where coworkers are on business calls or in conversations with other coworkers. 8
  15. 15. STAY HOME WITH THE SNIFFLES You may feel you should be applauded for bravely soldiering into work when ill, but no-one else will. If you absolutely must appear, be considerate and use tissues and wash your hands frequently to reduce the spread of germs. 9
  16. 16. BE SENSITIVE TO OTHERS’ NEED FOR PRIVACY Don’t read someone else’s faxes, emails, mail or computer screens. If you need to discuss anything sensitive or private with another colleague, find a room where you can shut the door and nobody else can overhear you. 10
  17. 17. “Don’t reserve your best behavior for special occasions. You can’t have two sets of manners, two social codes – one for those you admire and want to impress, another for those whom you consider unimportant. You must be the same to all people.” ~Lillian Eichler Watson

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