Monday, October 26, 2015

Professional Etiquette And Do Donts

Professional Etiquette And Do Donts

Professional Etiquette And Do Donts from Souvik Santra

Professional Etiquette And Do Donts

  1. 1. Professional (Workplace) etiquettes and mannerisms AND Do’s & Don'ts at Customer Place Presented By : Souvik Santra (Manager, 3i-Infotech Consultancy Services Ltd.)
  2. 2. Definition of Etiquette <ul><li>Etiquette - n: rules governing socially acceptable behavior. </li></ul><ul><li>The conduct or procedure prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life. </li></ul><ul><li>The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority. </li></ul>
  3. 3. Business etiquette <ul><li>“ etiquette is what you are doing and saying when people are looking and listening. What you are thinking is your business” </li></ul><ul><li>-Virginia Cary Hudson (Author, US) </li></ul>
  4. 4. <ul><li>No matter how intelligent or accurate your computer is, you must still interact with people. </li></ul><ul><li>“ Good manners are cost effective. They increase the quality of life in the work place, contribute to optimum employee morale, embellish the company image, and hence play a major role in generating profit.” </li></ul>
  5. 5. Etiquette is found in many areas of daily life <ul><li>* Workplace *Boating </li></ul><ul><li>*Golf course *Driving a vehicle </li></ul><ul><li>*Telephone *Email, letters, memos </li></ul><ul><li>*Air travel *Sports </li></ul><ul><li>*School </li></ul>
  6. 6. Workplace etiquette - why is IT so important? <ul><li>Avoid work-place tension </li></ul><ul><li>To avoid employee stress </li></ul><ul><li>Avoid misunderstandings </li></ul><ul><li>Employee job satisfaction </li></ul><ul><li>Increase productivity </li></ul><ul><li>Get the job done </li></ul><ul><li>To make the workplace a happy, stress-free place </li></ul>
  7. 7. Key Elements to a productive, happy workplace! <ul><li>The three B’s: </li></ul><ul><li>Be Kind </li></ul><ul><li>Be Courteous </li></ul><ul><li>Be Respectful </li></ul>
  8. 8. Getting to the top ! <ul><li>Positive attitude </li></ul><ul><li>Willingness to help </li></ul><ul><li>Mutual respect </li></ul><ul><li>Compromise </li></ul><ul><li>Punctuality </li></ul><ul><li>Professional dress </li></ul><ul><li>Respect for others opinions </li></ul><ul><li>Teamwork </li></ul>
  9. 9. Getting to the top - continued! <ul><li>Show appreciation or give credit for a job well done </li></ul><ul><li>Speak well of your co-workers </li></ul><ul><li>Try not to step on anyone’s toes, or hurt anyone’s feelings </li></ul><ul><li>BE COURTEOUS! </li></ul>
  10. 10. Life Positions I’m OK — I’m OK — You’re not OK You’re OK I’m not OK — I’m not OK — You’re not OK You’re OK Attitude toward Oneself Attitude toward Others Negative Positive Positive Negative
  11. 11. 1.Be careful with your appearance <ul><li>These are just a few general guidelines for the most effective business appearance: </li></ul>
  12. 12. Dress appropriately <ul><li>You want to be noticed, but you don’t want to stand out. </li></ul><ul><li>And there are different rules for different situations and work styles. </li></ul><ul><li>Again, your own organization’s style will dictate what is “ appropriate ”. </li></ul>
  13. 13. Dress for the position you want, not the position you have. <ul><li>Others tend to believe that you are what you appear to be. </li></ul><ul><li>So when it comes time for promotions, management usually looks first for the people who need the least amount of grooming for the new position . </li></ul>
  14. 14. Dress conservatively <ul><li>For most businesses and most business occasions, conservative is best. </li></ul><ul><li>You will have more credibility in a jacket than without, more credibility in long sleeves than in short, more credibility in conservative colors than flashy . </li></ul>
  15. 15. 2.Expand your knowledge <ul><li>Knowing how to learn is the skill most needed by employees </li></ul><ul><li>Learn as much as you can…Know your job responsibilities …always get in touch with your reporting manager…only he/she can guide you most… they are well aware of your weaknesses…and the area or expertise you need to upgrade/work out </li></ul>
  16. 16. 3. Honor your working hours <ul><li>Working nine to five doesn’t mean that you arrive at nine and leave at five. </li></ul><ul><li>It means you work from nine to five. </li></ul><ul><li>Socializing at the coffee/tea pot or eating breakfast at your desk does not constitute working. </li></ul>
  17. 17. <ul><li>Five minutes may not seem like much to you, but it may seem like stealing to your manager or CEO, especially a small or a busy office. </li></ul><ul><li>Spending 10 minutes on a personal phone call is only a small part of an eight-hour day, but 10 minutes a day equals 50 minutes a week-almost an hour of unproductive time </li></ul>
  18. 18. <ul><li>If you arrive at a meeting late your actions say, “my time is more valuable than yours; you aren’t important to me.” </li></ul><ul><li>Those few extra minutes may make a big difference in a way you are considered for promotions or raises. </li></ul><ul><li>Be honest . </li></ul><ul><li>How many hours do you really work? </li></ul>
  19. 19. 4.Be friendly <ul><li>When you are new, you need people to help you with your duties, explain procedures, and show you where to get information or material you’ll need. </li></ul><ul><li>Make an extra effort to get along with everyone, but don’t try too hard. </li></ul>
  20. 20. <ul><li>Ask your new coworkers to have lunch with you; lunch is a great opportunity to get to know each other. </li></ul><ul><li>Remember that offices work best when individual efforts supports the team effort . </li></ul>
  21. 21. 5.Keep personal information to yourself <ul><li>Friendliness aside, don’t let your life become the office soap opera. </li></ul><ul><li>When someone asks, “how are you?” don’t spill your guts. </li></ul><ul><li>Some of the information could be used against later </li></ul><ul><li>If you can’t control your mood or your mouth, be quiet </li></ul>
  22. 22. <ul><li>The same advice goes, of course, for sticking your nose into others’ personal business. </li></ul><ul><li>Don’t. </li></ul><ul><li>Never discuss or question salary or any other confidential or personal information with co workers. </li></ul>
  23. 23. 6. Be positive and supportive <ul><li>When your day isn’t going the way you hoped it would, try to look at the positive side of things-and people. </li></ul><ul><li>You’ll be surprised how quickly you can turn a bad day into a good one. </li></ul><ul><li>Believe in your co-workers and back them up in public </li></ul>
  24. 24. <ul><li>When your manager makes a decision, give your wholehearted support to it, at least in front of others. </li></ul><ul><li>Later you approach him separately with your viewpoint. </li></ul><ul><li>Make others look good at every opportunity. </li></ul>
  25. 25. <ul><li>Managers, especially need you to look, talk, write, and act like a positive, supportive representative. </li></ul><ul><li>Your professionalism reflects both on your manager and your organization </li></ul>
  26. 26. 7. Keep an open mind <ul><li>Make informed judgments, avoid jumping to conclusions , evaluate what you see in addition to what you hear, and don’t be party to gossip </li></ul><ul><li>Establishing yourself as professional means that you show respect for others </li></ul>
  27. 27. 8. Follow through <ul><li>We all get a little tired, especially by late afternoon, but the job you tackle at 5:00 P.M. means as much as the one you start at 8:00 A.M. </li></ul><ul><li>Cover every angle of a project, and don’t wait to be reminded that you need to finish a project . </li></ul><ul><li>Be accurate. </li></ul>
  28. 28. <ul><li>Check and double-check to make sure things are going smoothly and the way you planned. </li></ul><ul><li>Be realistic about how long an assignment will take, and let others know ahead of time if you anticipate a delay. </li></ul><ul><li>Set deadlines and meet them. </li></ul>
  29. 29. 9. Communicate <ul><li>Our job knowledge ranks above communication skills as a factor for workplace success. </li></ul><ul><li>Keep people informed in a succinct and a useful way. </li></ul><ul><li>Every wants to know what’s going on-not every little detail of every day, but what is happening on major projects </li></ul>
  30. 30. <ul><li>Managers want you, however, to go through the channels of communication. </li></ul><ul><li>Don’t go over their heads, and don’t bring things to them that don’t concern them </li></ul><ul><li>If you want to disagree with them, do it tactfully, with a positive alternative, and during a high point in a day. </li></ul>
  31. 31. 10. Listen <ul><li>Speaking and listening are twin skills in communication. </li></ul><ul><li>Both sides must play a part for communication to occur, and you can learn best by listening to what others know. </li></ul><ul><li>Ask questions. </li></ul><ul><li>Hear how other people organize their ideas, how they respond to changes in procedures. </li></ul>
  32. 32. 11. Solve your own problems <ul><li>When you do have to present a problem, bring possible solutions, too. </li></ul><ul><li>Don’t complain about things that can’t be changed, and don’t blame others when you make a mistake . </li></ul>
  33. 33. <ul><li>Accept responsibility when you have made a mistake, and work harder to make sure that it does not happen again. </li></ul><ul><li>Learn to accept criticism gracefully without defensiveness. </li></ul>
  34. 34. 12. Work hard <ul><li>Be ready and willing. </li></ul><ul><li>Take on new responsibilities, and do more than others expect. </li></ul><ul><li>Don’t be content to do only what’s expected of you or use the excuse that “it’s not my job”. </li></ul>
  35. 35. <ul><li>Look for areas in which you can do more and make yourself more valuable. </li></ul><ul><li>Volunteer for special projects. </li></ul><ul><li>Those who wait to be told what to do continue to be told what to do, and their value seldom increases. </li></ul>
  36. 36. 13. Be a Team Player <ul><li>Excuses (whether real or imaginary) generally don't buy any sympathy. For instance, in the event of a surprise problem which causes project delays, it is all to easy to deflect responsibility with victim phrases such as, &quot;I did my part, but the other guy did not.&quot; or &quot;We had an unexpected problem which caused us to fall behind.&quot; </li></ul><ul><li>Managers, CEOs typically do not look favorably on people who invoke victim phrases. As a result, people who fall back on these types of phrases, even if they are true, typically do not go far in this world. You must learn how to deal with surprises and adversity, not be pushed around by them. </li></ul><ul><li>By becoming a member of a team, each member dedicates themselves to the success of the TEAM. If you are waiting on a team member to accomplish a task and they are behind, it is your responsibility to help them in any way you can. If you cannot help them, you must make sure they get the help to accomplish their task. The victim phrase does not absolve you of any responsibility, rather it makes you look like you are not a team player. </li></ul>
  37. 37. 14. Be assertive, but not aggressive <ul><li>What’s the difference? </li></ul><ul><li>Assertiveness is appropriate behavior for the situation at hand. </li></ul><ul><li>It’s standing up for your rights without infringing on the rights of other people. </li></ul><ul><li>Aggressiveness is strong, overpowering, often abusive behavior. </li></ul><ul><li>It’s rude, crude, and abrasive </li></ul>
  38. 38. 15. Don’t be in too big hurry to advance <ul><li>Learn as much as you can in the job you have now . </li></ul><ul><li>Think ahead. Plan. </li></ul><ul><li>It’s like growing up: no matter how eager you are, it takes a certain amount of time. </li></ul><ul><li>Try to enjoy what you have while it is yours. </li></ul>
  39. 39. 16. Leave gracefully <ul><li>If you don’t have the job very long, keep your disappointment-or your extreme happiness-to yourself. </li></ul><ul><li>Just be cordial and say your good-byes quietly. </li></ul><ul><li>Never bad-mouth the people who have put money in your pocket. </li></ul>
  40. 40. <ul><li>If some one leaving, respect that person’s privacy as much as your own. </li></ul><ul><li>Even if they have resigned, and you can’t understand why, respect their opinion. </li></ul><ul><li>They are still the same people-they just chose not work there any longer. </li></ul>
  41. 41. Misunderstandings among co-workers lead to workplace tension <ul><li>Whether you work for a </li></ul><ul><li>small non-profit </li></ul><ul><li>organization, a giant </li></ul><ul><li>multi national corporation, </li></ul><ul><li>or something in-between, </li></ul><ul><li>chances are you spend </li></ul><ul><li>many hours a day in close </li></ul><ul><li>proximity to other people . </li></ul>
  42. 42. <ul><li>&quot;Behavioural training experts believe that the most successful people in a company are not the ones who possess the best technical skills; but those who manage their emotions the best—they are invariably the most productive&quot;. </li></ul>
  43. 43. Getting Along With the Boss ( Anticipate his needs before he asks ) <ul><li>The key is communication. </li></ul><ul><li>Learn and understand his/her goals </li></ul><ul><li>and priorities. What is required of </li></ul><ul><li>him/her and how can you help him/her achieve that? Observe and understand your Boss' work style. If he/she has not been clear with his expectations, ask! </li></ul><ul><li>Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he/she understands you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he/she may be more inclined to help you. </li></ul>
  44. 44. <ul><li>Your Boss isn't only your supervisor. He or she is also the person best equipped (or should be) to help you do the job you are paid to do. </li></ul><ul><li>He/she is privy to the company's goals and knows what the company is looking for in future executives. He/she can inform you of company direction that may affect your future aspirations. He/she can put in a good word for you in the right ears. He/she is also your ally when you need back up, support or cooperation from other departments. </li></ul>
  45. 45. 1. (Respect your BOSS and Seniors) <ul><li>If you are an etiquette disciple you should start by being respectful. This statement still applies to your workplace conditions and you should very much respect the people who are both below and above your position in the company you work. </li></ul><ul><li>Moving along, another simple to follow rule of etiquette states that a conversation should be started always by the higher rank person. If you happen to meet a superior on the hallway you should wait for him to initiate a chat. It is acceptable to briefly greet your superior. After greeting, your superior may or may not want to speak to you. Ultimately, this is your superior's decision. </li></ul>
  46. 46. <ul><li>Still, how would you know if the rank of the person you met is higher than yours ?The first clue should come from the inner company structure . It's pretty easy to spot who's the boss and the authority level of each worker. </li></ul><ul><li>Age and sex discriminations have no place in respecting the job etiquette . For instance, if your boss is younger than you, you should still respect him/her, as he/she is your boss. And of course the medieval conception that women should bow down to men does not apply at your workplace. </li></ul><ul><li>Usually customers rank higher than your compeers. Remember to be polite with the customers and always pay attention to his needs. There are some exceptions though: if the customer has an argument with your boss you should always defend your boss. </li></ul>
  47. 47. 2. Open Communication <ul><li>The first step in reducing conflict is to establish open lines of communication. Establishing open lines of communication is vital for any relationship, in or out of the workplace. By freely communicating how we feel and what our expectations are we increase the likelihood that others will not misinterpret our intentions. This is especially true in dealing with a boss, because animosity can build very quickly when dealing with someone who has authority over you. </li></ul>
  48. 48. <ul><li>One way to improve your communication skills with your manager is through the use of &quot;I&quot; statements. An &quot;I&quot; statement is a way of communicating a problem without impressing blame on your boss and putting them into a defensive position. </li></ul><ul><li>Let's say that an employee feels overworked and has decided to convey this to their manager. An initial response may be for the employee to say, &quot;You're working me too hard! This isn't fair&quot;. This statement will almost certainly push their boss into a defensive position, and now from the beginning there is a conflict. </li></ul><ul><li>By changing this statement into an expression of their own feelings (an &quot;I&quot; statement), the employee can assert a position without assigning blame. By instead saying, &quot;I feel like I may be doing more than my fair share of the work, and this is beginning to really frustrate me&quot;, the employee can express their feelings and still maintain a positive dialogue with the manager. </li></ul>
  49. 49. 3. Stress Management Techniques <ul><li>Despite our best efforts to prevent conflict, it is likely that at some point you and your boss will have a disagreement that can not be communicated through. This may be due to differences in personalities, pressure from upper-management, work related stress, or one of you simply having a bad day. </li></ul><ul><li>When the incident occurs it is important to remember that despite personal feelings or views, your boss is still a person with power over you and butting heads with them can have serious consequences. </li></ul>
  50. 50. <ul><li>Most of these techniques are very simple and can be utilized daily at work. The most important part of these techniques is being able to recognize your stress when it begins to build. One way to alleviate stress is simply counting to 10. When you begin to feel overly stressed, simply count from 1 to 10 very slowly while taking deep, cleansing breaths. By taking this extra 10 seconds to calm yourself, you should find yourself more prepared to deal with conflicts with your boss. </li></ul><ul><li>Another important technique for managing your stress is truly utilizing your breaks during the day. Many people take their breaks but spend the time worrying about what will happen when they return. Your lunch time and breaks should be a personal moment to recollect yourself and relax. By festering on the events of the day, we overshadow the point of having a break and add undue stress to our day. </li></ul>
  51. 51. 4. Respecting the Chain <ul><li>No one likes to be disrespected, and your boss is no different. It is very important to keep that in mind when you have an issue or problem that you feel deserves immediate attention. As your manager, your boss has a responsibility to not only ensure that you are doing your job, but also to ensure for your safety and well-being. This means that any issues pertaining to you should be taken up with your immediate manager. </li></ul><ul><li>In some cases, you may want to speed up the process by skipping your boss and going directly to an upper manager. While this may seem helpful, it will likely cause hostility between you and your boss. By bypassing them in the chain of command, you have disrespected their authority and may have made them appear foolish to their boss. </li></ul>
  52. 52. <ul><li>While your immediate needs may have been met, the boss you regularly deal with now feels betrayed, foolish, and even hostile towards you; a situation which can cause trouble in the future. For this reason, it is usually best to speak to your boss first about any problems you have. </li></ul><ul><li>Another issue which can damage your relationship with your manager is that of interoffice gossip . When we feel upset or unappreciated by our boss it is often difficult to hide. It may be even more difficult to keep these feelings from coworkers who share our feelings. </li></ul><ul><li>While it may feel helpful and therapeutic to talk about these problems with our coworkers, if they have not been identified to your boss, then these conversations amount to nothing more than useless gossip. It is more helpful to keep your issues between you and your manager. By minimizing the amount of interoffice gossip, you show respect for your boss and improve your work relationship. </li></ul>
  53. 53. Acknowledgement of rank and status <ul><li>It is still considered polite in corporate circles to stand when a senior executive or a woman (of any status) enters a room.  This is especially true in the military and Federal Government where senior officers (Lt. Col. and up), elected officials, dignitaries and top-executives expert you to stand when they enter a meeting.  In practice, most professionals make motions like they are planning to stand-up, allowing the official an opportunity to wave-them-down with a quick hand motion. </li></ul><ul><li>When meeting another professional it is critical that you follow proper protocol.  Wait until they have offered their hand.  When shaking hands, you should always use a firm grip (but don't squeeze) and look the professional directly in the eye when greeting them. </li></ul><ul><li>When exchanging business cards, it is polite to look at the card and make some sort of comment, even if it is just a confirmation (e.g. &quot; Is this your correct cell number? &quot;) </li></ul>
  54. 54. Do’s & Don’t at Customer Place <ul><li>Always Greet the customer before attending to his/her problem and identify yourself </li></ul><ul><li>Understand the problem in detail that the user has logged in at the help desk </li></ul><ul><li>Be empathetic and courteous while talking to the customer </li></ul><ul><li>Be familiar with the users at the site </li></ul><ul><li>Always be in touch with Helpdesk/ Other FMEs so that engineer can be diverted immediately on critical calls </li></ul><ul><li>Always seek permission from the user for access to their IT equipment before taking control of their system for rectification of problem. </li></ul><ul><li>Always declare the toolkit items and other spare material at the security </li></ul><ul><li>Understand and Adhere to Security policy - ALWAYS </li></ul>
  55. 55. Do’s & Don’t (continued…) <ul><li>Always take the user consent before formatting any hard disk or reinstalling operating system. </li></ul><ul><li>Try to complete the call you have taken in the first instance. </li></ul><ul><li>Please do not spend too much time on the problem, if you do not know the solution please talk to seniors immediately </li></ul><ul><li>Always use only licensed software/applications </li></ul><ul><li>Always take written prior permission from customer location IT manager in case of requirement of personal presence at customer site before/after regular working hours or during holidays. </li></ul>
  56. 56. Do’s & Don’t (continued…) <ul><li>Cooperate with Security officers at customer site in performing security checks etc. </li></ul><ul><li>Do not try to take out any material out of customer premises without valid gate pass, authority letter and approval. </li></ul><ul><li>Do not pirate the legal software, application available with customer. </li></ul><ul><li>Do not use the IT equipments, Software/applications at customer premises for personal use. </li></ul><ul><li>Do not use telecom facilities at customer premises for making personal calls. Incase of any emergency, prior approval from customer location IT Manager to be obtained. </li></ul>
  57. 57. Do’s & Don’t (continued…) <ul><li>The employee / consultant shall also not resort to any direct or indirect sexual harassment or hints of any kind. </li></ul><ul><li>The employee / consultant is not suppose to send mail to users or other management of customer which is not related with 3i Infotech service deliverables to the customer. In case of any such requirement, the employee / consultant must take prior approval from the 3i Infotech supervisor as well as customer IT Manager. </li></ul><ul><li>The email facility should not be used for sending chain mail, jokes, Broadcast Mail, Hate Mail or others. </li></ul><ul><li>The employee/consultant should not browse any other Internet / Intranet sites which are not related with 3i Infotech service deliverables to customer. </li></ul>
  58. 58. After completing a call… <ul><li>Closing the call to user satisfaction is as important as achieving SLA. </li></ul><ul><li>Please close the call at the help desk, IMMEDIATELY after completing the call. Update the call in call management tool/call register with complete details </li></ul><ul><li>Fill the required documents like Call Service Report (CSR), Installation, Movement, Addition or Change form (IMAC) wherever required </li></ul><ul><li>Maintain all the checklists, forms and reports as per the defined process </li></ul><ul><li>Ensure that basic things like Messaging, Internet and Anti virus are working fine. </li></ul>
  59. 59. Customer Focus <ul><li>“ More business is lost every year through neglect, than through any other cause.” </li></ul><ul><li>- Jim Cathcart </li></ul><ul><li>Let the customer vent </li></ul><ul><li>Ask the customer to identify the solution </li></ul><ul><li>If you don’t know, find out </li></ul>
  60. 60. The Customer Is Always Right <ul><li>Do not wrong comments or insults for any reason </li></ul><ul><li>Never interrupt the customer </li></ul><ul><li>Show empathy </li></ul><ul><li>Stay focused </li></ul><ul><li>Take responsibility </li></ul><ul><li>Patience really is a virtue </li></ul><ul><li>Remember the “Golden Rule” </li></ul><ul><li>Ease their pain </li></ul>
  61. 61. The Golden Rule & Beyond <ul><li>The Golden Rule & Beyond </li></ul><ul><li>“ Tzu-kung asked, ‘Is there a single word which </li></ul><ul><li>can be a guide to conduct throughout one’s life?’ </li></ul><ul><li>The Master said, ‘It is perhaps the word “shu.” Do </li></ul><ul><li>not impose on others what you yourself do not </li></ul><ul><li>desire.” - Confucius </li></ul><ul><li>• Be considerate </li></ul><ul><li>• Practice protocol </li></ul><ul><li>• Be friendly </li></ul><ul><li>• Practice professionalism </li></ul>
  62. 62. When The Customer Is Not Right <ul><li>DO NOT attempt to negotiate when someone becomes abusive </li></ul><ul><li>DO NOT get into a power struggle </li></ul><ul><li>DO walk away from the situation </li></ul><ul><li>DO report the situation to your supervisor </li></ul>

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