Monday, October 26, 2015

Workplace etiquette & manners

Workplace etiquette & manners

Workplace etiquette & manners from Sadaf Shaikh ( P.T )

 Workplace etiquette & manners

  1. 1. Workplace Etiquette & Manners
  2. 2. Definition of Etiquette  Etiquette - rules governing socially acceptable behavior.  The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority.  The word “Etiquette” is derived from French which actually means “ Ticket". your ticket to getting anything & any place you want.  It is defined as a good behavior which distinguishes human beings from Animals
  3. 3. The why’s of Etiquette?  To avoid negative confrontation  To avoid politics, i.e., in the office or work place  To communicate effectively with an opposing opinion of another person(s).  To be organized and in a uniformed way.  Avoid work-place tension / Conflicts  To avoid employee stress
  4. 4.  Avoid misunderstandings  Employee job satisfaction  Increase productivity  Get the job done  To make the workplace a happy, stress-free place Continue….
  5. 5. Etiquette Basics Behavior: •Exhibit a positive attitude and pleasant demeanor •Use a firm handshake •Maintain good eye contact •Appropriate introductions – introduce someone by their title and last name (Ms. Mrs. Mr. Dr. ), unless otherwise specified •Rise when you are introducing someone or you are being introduced •Be a good Listener & Soft spoken. •Show common respect and consideration for others
  6. 6. Sensory reminders of how to get along in the workplace  Monitor the volume of conversations  Keep personal telephone conversations and emails to a minimum  Maintain privacy - keep all workplace conversations professional  Avoid interruptions  Use appropriate tone of Voice
  7. 7. • Find out what the organization values, philosophy of conducting Business , work ethic etc . Continue…..  Remove slang terms and use good listening skills  Do Not Gossip !!!!!!  Keep your personal workspace clean and neat at all times  Cell phone – Turn it on Silent or Vibration mode
  8. 8. Making a positive impression – • Arrive on time • Remember your manners • Be ready to learn , adapt & change • Exercise professional maturity by showing good judgment & build good relationship • Show a healthy respect for your colleague’s experience & expertise • Do not laugh at others weakness • Respond properly to your co-workers, supervisor & clients. • Proper posture is important.
  9. 9. Continue……..  “PLEASE & THANK YOU” use it often  Willingness to help  Mutual respect & Punctuality  Teamwork  Show appreciation & give credits for job well done  Treat everyone equally  Try not to step on anyone’s toes, or hurt anyone’s feelings  Be Kind, Be Courteous, Be Respectful
  10. 10. Continue……  Keep in mind that others work around you  Remember cubical conversations and calls can be heard by others.  Do not smoke or drink at your work place  Do not Spit  Do not use your cell phone when you are in business meeting.
  11. 11. Thank you Whatever you do just do it with all your heart…..

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